Vittorio Trainini
Born in Mompiano – Brescia on the 6 th of
March in 1888, Vittorio Trainini trod in his oncle Giuseppe’s
footsteps, who was a well-known “ bresciano “ decorator,
and from whom Vittorio learns, straight on the scaffoldings and in
the workscops, the art of the fresco, maturing an autonomous
personality and increasing a particular turn for figure
painting. Substantially his formation was autodidactic. After
attending the “ Communal Drawing School “ Moretto “
in Brescia, he enlarges his horizon over the personal study of the
great masters of the past in museums, churches and art-galleries,
especially in Rome where he attends the nude school in Ripetta Street
and where he gains Spedini’s, Carena’s, Zanelli’s
and other artists’ friendship. He begins winning in 1910 the
competition for the figurative execution of a room in the Lombard
pavilion of the “ Esposizione delle Regioni Italiane “ in
Rome. In 1913 he is in Mantova called. by arch. Andreani, for the
decoration of the new Chamber of Commerce. He also begins to
paint for ecclesiastic committee. This will be, later, his main
source of activity frescoing more than one hundred churches, a lot in
Brescia, Province and other towns and cities. For a few years he
teaches at “ Scuola Beato Angelico “ in
Milan. Developing, at the same time, painting, sculpture and
architecture, he plans and superintends the building of the churches
of S. Rocco in Concesio, S. Biagio in Soprazocco, of Cappuccini
Church in Brescia and the house of uncle Giuseppe in Brescia. He
executes cartoons for the ligneous works of art, cartoons for fabrics
and liturgical vestments; he plans windows and mosaic floors, wrought
iron besides a large quantity of oil paintings ( portraits,
landscapes and still lives ). He is engaged in graphic activity with
some publishers, among which the “ Morcelliana “ in
Brescia for the preparation of “ I Santi Evangeli
“. Interesting his preparatory studies for the execution of
the frescoes in churches constituted by drawings from life, sketches
of painting and cartoons. The graphic elaboration from nature (
rocks, trees, clouds, painted stones ) has kindled a particular
interest. Especially these interpretations made the well-known
historian of art Federico Zeri writes as follows: “ The
works of Vittorio Trainini are in the specific background, really
remarkable and curious. Then very interesting, is the connection to
natural products for successive formal elaborations, a course which
is connected with a very ancient tradition. I have to add that this
Kind of production, especially the sacred ones, is still too near to
our days and that our eyes are still too conditioned by the taste of
Avant-gardes to be impartially valued. The right moment for an
impartial reading will soon come”. From the thirties he
paints frescoes in numerous Churches: To be remembered the cycles of
production in Edolo, Bagnolo Mella, Bovegno, Carpenedolo, Concesio,
Pompiano, Pievedizio, Nave, Clusane, Calvagese, Sabbio Chiese,
Isorella, S. Colombano al Lambro, Paderno Ponchielli and in Brescia
in the Centro Pastorale Paolo VI, in the “ Cappella del
Vescovado “ and in the churches of S. Francesco da Paola, Ss.
Sacramento and Cristo Re (Borgo Trento). In 1936, after winning
two international competions, he begins the decoration in the
Basilica of S. Cuore in Lugano (CH ) that will be completed after the
war between 1947 and 1951.The exsecution of this important cycle of
frescoes was commented with essays of various art critics, such as
Servolini, Barth, Charles du Mont. In 1951 he is in Rome to
decorate the Cappella della Guardia Palatina in Vaticano where scenes
of the life of S. Pietro are represented in three great frescoes. For
his artistic activity he was awarded “ Cavaliered dell’
Ordine di S. Silvestro “, in 1936 Accademico Virtuoso d’onore
dell’Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon in Rome and in 1945 he
becomes active member of the Ateneo di Brescia. One of his latest
frescoes is the decoration of the apse and transept in the parish
church of Lumezzane S. Sebastiano ( 1956 ). Vittorio Trainini died
on the 19 th of August 1969 in his house in Mompiano (Brescia).